Month: December 2016


周学海 Zhou Xuehai

周馥長子,  (1856年-1906年5月南京), 安徽省池州府建德縣人. 清代醫學家、政治人物, 光緒十八年 (1892年) 进士,殿試位列第三甲第三十九名. 同年五月, 授内阁中书. 一生淡泊功名, 好讀書, 尤其喜好醫學. 光緒三十二年病故. 主要著作有有《形色外診簡摩》、《診家直訣》、《脈簡補義》、《讀醫隨筆》等,收于《周氏醫學叢書》.


李昕Li Xin

前 生活·读书·新知三联书店总编辑李昕 …

他的 微博 及作品:



A little too late

New York, 2016

We’re having a family gathering last Saturday, and I called up a cousin whom I couldn’t reach for the dinner. A woman picked it up after mere two rings.

image“Hi, may I speak to Sven?” I asked.
“Who’s calling?” She asked.
“This is Irene, his cousin. We’re now having a gathering, thought to try him one more time.”
“He passed away this morning.”

… …

We spoke once, at length, perhaps ten years ago, I did suggest to meet but he was noncommittal. I didn’t press. Recently when we decided to have a family gathering, I called him a couple of times. Their answering machine’s message is generic, I don’t know if its still theirs so I didn’t leave a message.

Here is his obituary on today’s NYT according to his account.


周叔弢 Zhou Shutao



周今觉 MD Chow

周达 (1879年-1949年), 字梅泉、美权,笔名今觉、寄闲, 中国清末民初集邮家: 1925年任中华邮票会会长, 1935年中国数学会董事. 周馥长子(学海)长孙.


周学熙 Zhou Xuexi

周学熙(1866年1月12日-1947年9月26日),字辑之,号止庵,安徽建德(今东至)人,周馥四子,举人。袁世凯的幕僚。清末民初实业家,政治家。财政总长. 开滦矿务局、启新洋灰公司、华新纺织公司、耀华玻璃公司的创办人。山东大学首任校长


周景良 Zhou Jingliang
